Bridging Education and Employment with
Donor-Funded Collaborative Events

WebStudy Foundation designs and facilitates donor-funded events for educational providers and employers to create integrated solutions that upskill workers for future business demands.

Learn more about how our services can help your organization.

Who We Serve

We partner with employers, educational institutions, alternative learning providers, workforce professionals, job seekers, government agencies, and social sector organizations seeking integrated service delivery.  




Why We Exist

Our nation has a (credential) supply and (labor market) demand problem.

  • Employers need to hire skilled workers for growing positions
  • Learners need work in their field of study
  • The economy needs the above two to align better and faster to operate more efficiently

    Let’s look at which stakeholder groups need to align efforts in coalitions, partnerships, consortia, collaborative networks and interdisciplinary teams.

THE CHALLENGE - Talent Shortage

Data suggests a looming talent shortage will occur by 2030. 

A Korn Ferry report finds that by 2030, more than 85 million jobs could go unfilled because there aren’t enough skilled people to take them. It is estimated as an $8.5 trillion talent shortage.
The Bureau of Labor Services is set to add 11.9 million jobs through 2030, a projected 7.8% increase. This would equate to a U.S. employment growth from 153.5 million to 165.4 million from 2020 to 2030.

The Great Misalignment Report from Georgetown University, Center on Education and the Workforce demonstrates there is a great misalignment between credential supply and labor-market demand, specifically at the middle-skills level.

In this report, the authors define local labor markets according to commuting zones established by the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service, which has identified 709 commuting zones in the United States. Hundreds of local labor markets fuel the American economy, and each one is driven by the needs of the local area’s mix of industries and the skills of its workers. For each labor market to operate at its peak potential, employer needs and employee skills must align.

THE SOLUTION - Bridge the Skills Gap Faster

WebStudy Foundation designs collaborative events to prevent redundant services among agencies, ensuring effective alignment of local labor market needs with worker skills. By working together, local businesses, educational institutions, workforce development agencies, and government entities can ensure educational programs align with local economic needs.

This involves sharing labor market data, jointly developing industry-responsive curricula, and creating practical experience opportunities for learners in internships and apprenticeships.

By collaborating, more military and incarcerated individuals can earn credentials for their work experience. Such coordinated efforts help align credential supply with labor-market demand, enhancing economic growth and workforce readiness.

What We Do

The WebStudy Foundation packages large-scale engagement services previously available only to large NGOs. Our facilitators use a proven methodology to accelerate alignment between agencies and within organizations.
We design and facilitate an integrative process that brings together educators and employers to scale educational programs, filling jobs with qualified workers. Our virtual convenings, led by systems thinking experts, engage community stakeholders to collaborate on large-scale change in specific regions.

Our approach harnesses collective intelligence, increases involvement and commitment, promotes efficient strategic thinking and time management, enables precise planning and resource utilization, and supports swift execution with agile adjustments. Through action learning, we foster new competencies.

We engage with our clients to produce donor-funded events that drive these outcomes.


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