To Convene or Not to Convene?

It Takes A Village: Who Makes Up "Whom We Serve?"

WebStudy Foundation provides collaborative innovation in the form of convenings to coalitions, partnerships, stakeholder groups, consortia, collaborative networks and interdisciplinary teams in the learn/earn ecosystem. 
Participants may hold numerous roles across educational providers, employers, learners, government agencies, philanthropists, and front-line educators and be included.


An innovative collaborative convening could:

… empower state community college systems to share compelling certificate and degree program.

… empower workforce training providers to outsource their content, curriculums and programs to accredited colleges and universities.

… dismantle silo-thinking across high school representatives, community college faculty, administrators, and learners to create new possibilities for dual enrollment programs.

… enliven four year continuing education departments to exceed enrollment growth over departments for traditional degree programs

and so much more…


An innovative collaborative convening could:

… share labor market data with forward thinking educational providers

… form agreements for minimum enrollments in new programs for fields like cybersecurity engineer, drone dispatcher, AI prompt engineer or end-of-life coaches.

… host regional community summits to anticipate and plan for the rate of change in your community

and so much more …


Workforce Commissions & Regional Economic Development Agency

An innovative collaborative convening could:

… host regional workforce summits to anticipate trends, new strategies and make better decisions

… explore innovative approaches to managing a diverse and extended workforce for success

… research and prioritize the reskilling requirements needed by 2025 for half of all employees worldwide

and so much more …


An innovative collaborative convening could:


An innovative collaborative convening could:


An innovative collaborative convening could:

… empower state community college systems to share compelling certificate and degree program.

… empower workforce training providers to outsource their content, curriculums and programs to accredited colleges and universities.

… dismantle silo-thinking across high school representatives, community college faculty, administrators, and learners to create new possibilities for dual enrollment programs.

… enliven four year continuing education departments to exceed enrollment growth over departments for traditional degree programs

and so much more…

… share labor market data with forward thinking educational providers

… form agreements for minimum enrollments in new programs for fields like cybersecurity engineer, drone dispatcher, AI prompt engineer or end-of-life coaches.

… host regional community summits to anticipate and plan for the rate of change in your community

and so much more …

… host regional workforce summits to anticipate trends, new strategies and make better decisions

… explore innovative approaches to managing a diverse and extended workforce for success

… research and prioritize the reskilling requirements needed by 2025 for half of all employees worldwide

and so much more


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